Monday, February 23, 2009

Sanity or ?

We all have things we enjoy doing. Things that help bring us sanity in this crazy world we live in (and with three little ones I am always searching for a little sanity). Mine happens to be crafting. Crafting what you may ask? Really anything. I love to sew, scrapbook, knit, crochet, but this lends itself to another problem. I end up with more "projects" than I know what to do with. Right now I know I have 4 sewing project, 1 knitting project, 1 crocheting project and more scrapbook projects than I can count. So maybe it is not sanity I am searching for after all, maybe I am just addicted to crafting. So as I try to catch up with my life, I have vowed that I will work on one project a month and maybe, just maybe I can find some sanity. So stay tuned for my crafting updates
