Sunday, June 29, 2008
New Light Bulbs
My kids say funny things all the time, but every once in a while they say something that is not only funny but profound. Tonight we have been having thunderstorms with lots of lighting and thunder. As the sun was going down, it created a beautiful orange glow across the horizon. Because of all the lightning and thunder I went in to check on my two oldest girls that share a room together. They weren't asleep when I went in and I asked them how they were doing. My oldest said "Look Mommy" as she pointed to their window. You could see the orange glow from outside coming through the sides of the curtains. She asked me what that light was since it was suppose to be dark outside. I asked her what she thought it was. (I am always trying to not only see what they think of things but also encourage their imagination.) She said "I think God got new light bulbs." Without a doubt, God got new light bulbs at our house tonight.